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My Favorite Classic Board Games for Toddlers

My Favorite Classic Board Games for Toddlers

List of BEST Classic Board Games for Toddlers

 My Favorite Classic Board Games for Toddlers

Games from our childhood are still popular…with a little twist!

There are so many things I remember from my childhood….one of the fondest memories I have is playing board games….that’s probably why I’m such a board game nut these days!  Hubs and I used to play board games all the time while we were dating and first married, but we stopped playing as much because it’s difficult when you have a baby.  That’s why I’m SOOOOOOO excited that Little Man is entering the age where board games are becoming exciting!

I think board games are so important for toddlers because they not only are a great learning device for numbers, colors, shapes, hand-eye coordination, critical thinking skills, and more….but they teach our children social interaction.  Board games are a great social tool that we should embrace as much as books!  We read to our kids every night (or try to anyway) so why not play a board game every night— or at least several nights a week.

So I got to thinking earlier today….how cool is it that I’ll get to experience my favorite childhood activities all over again?!  So, I started looking for my favorite games to play and wanted to share with you my favorite classic board games for toddlers!  I can’t wait for Little Man, Hubs, and I to start playing these…..oh the memories!!!

1. Memory

So they no longer have the original Original Memory but they do have The Original Memory which is very close….and now you can get Memory in just about any theme/character group you want!favorite classic board games for toddlers

2. Candy Land

This was by far my FAVORITE game as a kid….I could spend hours playing this game and remember my mom being so sick of playing it she actually hid it for awhile!  Now, you can even get some fancy smancy version for like $80! It’s a good thing that version wasn’t around when I was a kid or else I would have probably begged and begged and begged for it! 🙂  They also have the Deluxe version with cuter game pieces and the Disney World and Disney Princess Editions… cute!

Favorite Board Games for Toddlers

3. Chutes and Ladders

This was another favorite…I can remember my brother and I playing Chutes & Ladders forever!  We even made special effect noises for sliding down the chutes and climbing up the ladders!

Favorite classic board games for toddlers


4. Hi Ho Cherry-O

The race is on to fill your basket with cherries…oh so much fun! This is the perfect game for developing fine motor skills and counting!

board games for toddlers


5.  Hungry Hungry Hippos

This was a smashing free for all…but oh what fun we had!

list of classic games for toddlers


6. Trouble

I think when we were really little we liked this game simply to press the dome and make the dice pop. I can remember playing by myself just because it was fun popping the dice!  Now Trouble comes in just about every character set possible from Jake and the Neverland Pirates to Star Wars to Hello Kitty!

favorite board games for toddlers

What are your favorite classic games to play?

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