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Bugs, bees, ants, wasps, mice, etc…..they’re called pests for a reason! Here’s a list of 8 plants to repel pests naturally. With 2 kids under 5 I don’t like using chemicals around the house but these plants repel pests so I don’t have to!
8 Plants that Repel Bugs, Insects, and Pests
I don’t know about you but I HATE bugs!
They just freak me out! It really doesn’t matter what kind of bug- roaches, silverfish, spiders, mosquitos, fleas, beetles…. You name it and I HATE it! Especially bed bugs! I’ve never experienced bed bugs before but I was watching 20/20 a while back and they were doing some kind of expose on bed bugs in hotels and I’ve been freaked out ever since! The mere thought of them makes my skin crawl!!!!
Wednesday 6th of April 2016
Candice Itzkovics
Monday 15th of August 2016
You shouldn't "HATE" bess as without them there would be little food left in the world. While other insects and animals pollinate flowers, Honey bees do the lion's share. Honey bees are dying off at an alarming rate and the call has gone out for homeowners to plant more bee friendly plants to help save bees from the powerful insecticides being used in agriculture. So while protecting yourself from being stung by bees with plants that may protect you from them is a safe alternative for both you and the bees and should be commended. Please don't use such strong language against something that helps provide the food for our very existence. Thank you.
Randolph Hoover
Monday 29th of June 2015
First four off the list were food ingredients. Makes me wonder why when I can't imagine good cooked food without the first four out of the list.
Delores Lyon
Thursday 19th of March 2015
Thanks for sharing this! I think it is really smart to use natural methods for keeping your yard free of pests. In fact, I may start planting some lemongrass in my backyard. Who knows, maybe it can help keep away the mosquitoes that always come around in the summer.
what is the best roach killer product
Sunday 8th of February 2015
These herbs usually are available in your own home. And the most scary fact which most of us do not know is that cockroaches transmit a lot more than 33 diseases, most prevalent identified is Asthma in young children. Use natural, safer alternatives to control insects.
Frank Jenkinson
Wednesday 8th of October 2014
As a pest controller and a gardener I really appreciate a good post when I see it. I've personally tried some of these plants for repelling bugs and they do work.
Kind regards, http://www.pestcontrollersfulham.co.uk