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Tummy Ache Remedies for Toddlers

Tummy Ache Remedies for Toddlers

Read these tips for tummy ache remedies for toddlers.  Tummy aches in children can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, and stomach pains…these tips will help alleviate tummy aches in kids.

This post is brought to you by DiaResQ and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. DiaResQ is not intended for the relief of chronic diarrhea, nor for infants (children aged 12 months or less).

relieve a tummy ache in toddlers

Tummy Ache Remedies for Toddlers and Kids

Alleviate Upset Stomach and Diarrhea Easily and Naturally

Tummy aches in toddlers are typically the body’s response to an unwanted microorganism in the gut.  When an unwanted organism enters the digestive tract, your child’s immune system responds by trying to flush out the microorganism resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, and unfortunately lots of pain for your little one.

Tummy Ache Remedies for Toddlers

Some over the counter options to relieve diarrhea actually impede this process of removing the unwanted organism by trying to calm the digestive tract which slows the removal of waste.  Instead, you want to address the underlying issue and restore the natural balance of your child’s gut health. When it comes to tummy ache remedies for toddlers and kids you want to take a more gentle and natural approach.

Alleviate Upset Stomach and Diarrhea Easily and Naturally

Here are my top tummy ache remedies for toddlers and kids:

  1. Hydrate!!
    • It’s so important to keep your child hydrated when they have a tummy ache and are experiencing diarrhea or vomiting.  I always keep a bottle of electrolyte solution for such occasions.
    • I know…you’re probably wondering…what’s an electrolyte solution??  It’s any drink that has the added benefits of electrolytes…think Gatorade, Smart Water, Pedialyte, etc.
  2. DiaResQ®
    • DiaResQ® is a food, made with naturally derived ingredients, that you can easily mix with water and give your child.  DiaResQ is a powder packed full of nutrients and immune boosting power to help restore the natural balance of your child’s gut to soothe their tummy due to diarrhea.
    • My kids LOVE this drink because it’s vanilla flavored, delicious, and so much easier for them to take than pills or chalky tasting medicine.
    • Plus, DiaResQ works quickly and is safe for the whole family…seriously…it’s now part of our On-The-Go medicine cabinet!
  3. Yoga
    • Yep, yoga.  Whenever my kids get a tummy ache we do a few simple Yoga moves to help move things along through their gut.
    • Simple moves just stretching and slow breathing teaches their body to relax and let it do its thing.
  4. Warm Compress
    • This is primarily a comfort thing I do with the kids….I don’t know if there’s truly any benefit but my kids ask for this specifically when they have stomach aches.
    • We have a rice filled hot pack that I toss in the microwave for about a minute and we place it on their tummy then cuddle up with a blanket to watch cartoons.
    • Both kids swear this works….and it’s a perfect excuse for me to get more cuddles now that they’re “too busy” whenever there is no tummy ache.  Hey….I take what I can get…right! 😉

Those are my tips for tummy ache remedies in toddlers and kids.  Do you have any tips?  Share in the comments below!

I partnered with DiaResQ® because of the impact they have on communities through their Equity of Access Initiative. The average child will experience 7-15 bouts of diarrhea before the age of 5!  While most of us parents find this as an annoying and inconvenient issue it’s actually quite dire for many parents.  Did you know that diarrhea is the 2nd leading cause of death among children under 5 globally???

Tummy Ache Remedies for Toddlers


That’s why I love the DiaResQ® Equity of Access Initiative!  This program works with other organizations to help get nutritional interventions like DiaResQ® offers to children in the neediest and hardest to reach areas.  When you purchase DiaResQ® you’re helping this mission thus helping save children’s lives.

Visit DiaResQ to learn more about keeping your kids happy and healthy!

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