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Where Hope Grows

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Godspeed Pictures, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #wherehopegrowsmovie

Where Hope Grows is a movie about hope, redemption, and love!  Coming to theaters 5/15/15…you don’t want to miss this wonderful movie that hits home for those close to the special needs community.

Where Hope Grows

Where Hope Grows

A Movie That Warms the Soul

This quote from the movie Where Hope Grows really stood out to me because it’s so true…”We don’t use the R word just like we don’t use the N word. Choose your words!”.  For those with special needs and their families the R word is just as hurtful and demeaning as the N word….that’s why we should NEVER use either whether it’s in joking or toward a person.

I was so honored to get the chance to pre-screen Where Hope Grows this past weekend.  My cousin Chad has Down Syndrome just like the character Produce in the movie.  While watching the movie I saw so many qualities of Chad mirrored in the character of Produce.  Chad is one of the most joyful, positive, uplifting people I know.  He always greets you with a hug and although quieter and more reserved than Produce- he’s just as funny, smart, and loveable.

As kids we would play for hours in my Uncle Howard’s back yard.  I never thought of Chad as being any different than me.  We would run around the swing set playing and laughing.  I would make him play kitchen with me.  We would run inside the house when it was time to watch The A Team (I totally just dated myself there!).  He was my cousin who I couldn’t wait to play with when visiting my grandparents.

Through the years Chad has always held a special place in my heart.  He’s the most loving person I have ever met.  That’s why it was so easy for me to relate to Produce in the movie Where Hope Grows.  When Produce was being picked on or treated like he didn’t understand my heart ached for him.

Where Hope Grows Movie

Produce is a young man that works in the produce section of the town grocery store…even though he has Down Syndrome that does not define him.  In fact, just like with Chad, the fact that he does have Down Syndrome just fades away and all I see is this fantastic person with a big heart, joyful soul, and the ability to teach us all so much!

I don’t want to giveaway too much about the film because I think EVERYONE needs to see this movie!  From the first 10 minutes I was hooked and invested in the relationship that was formed between Produce and Calvin.  I was not a big fan of Calvin to start…he’s a single dad that drinks too much, is an arrogant jerk, and ignores his teenage daughter.  But as he gets to know Produce he starts to change.


I can completely relate to the way that Calvin stands up for Produce throughout the movie.  There’s several scenes where he gets so irate about how other characters refer to Produce as retarded or slow and Calvin constantly corrects them saying “no, it’s called Down Syndrome” and defends that Produce is actually very smart, hard working, and a great guy.  I can’t stand when people use the R word….it’s just so demeaning and inaccurate!


People who have Down Syndrome may look a little different and talk a little different but they are the same as you and me….they have feelings, they can hear, they can think for themselves, they are smart, they are loyal, they are loving, etc etc.  Where Hope Grows really does a great job showing the audience how Down Syndrome is just a characteristic of someone…not who they are.

This movie brought me to tears several times, had me laughing out loud…it’s an emotional roller coaster…but the good kind.  Where Hope Grows is the kind of movie that has you leaving the theater with a fistful of tissues, a big smile on your face, and an over flowing heart!

Make sure you check your local theater for times and go see this movie!  Trust me, you’ll be so happy you did!

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