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Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are quite astounding.  Over the years apple cider vinegar has become even more popular as the new IT product that does it all.  Read on to learn about some of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

The Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar has long been used in alternative medicine and natural remedies. Of course it is also found in any kitchen and used in a variety of different foods and drinks. Vinegar adds tang to your salad and preserves your favorite pickled vegetables. The most beneficial of all the vinegars out there is raw apple cider vinegar. Let’s quickly go over some of the main health benefits it provides.

It’s A Great Disinfectant

Vinegar has been used since ancient times to clean wounds and disinfect. You can wash small scrapes and cuts with undiluted vinegar. It has been used to preserve food for centuries and has been shown to inhibit bacteria like E.coli from growing. Traditionally, vinegar has also been used as a treatment for lice, warts, and nail fungus. For these purposes is doesn’t matter if you are using raw or pasteurized apple cider vinegar. Even plain white vinegar will do.

When your throat starts to feel sore, try this old folk remedy. Mix ACV and warm water in equal parts and gargle with it frequently throughout the day.

It Contains Active Cultures That Can Help Your Gut

Raw apple cider vinegar contains a web-like substance called mother of vinegar. It’s a living culture of probiotic bacteria and cellulose. It’s these bacteria or active cultures that are beneficial to your gut health. It introduces and promotes the growth of good gut bacteria while preventing the explosive growth of “bad” bacteria that mainly feed on sugar and starches.

It Makes A Great Indigestion Aid

The acid and beneficial bacteria can both help with indigestion. If you know you’ll eat a big or heavy meal, drink a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The same folk remedy will work when you are suffering from indigestion anytime.

It Helps Lower Your Blood Sugar And Can Aid In Weight Loss

Drinking a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar (preferably the raw kind with the mother of vinegar), can be very beneficial when it comes to blood sugar control. This is great news for people with type II diabetes and in the prevention of it. ACV has been shown to reduce insulin resistance, fasting blood sugar, and it keeps your blood sugar from spiking as much when you eat sugary or starchy foods. It’s not a cure for diabetes, but it can help.

The acetic acid in ACV is an appetite suppressant. This combined with the beneficial effects it has on blood sugar levels makes it a good weight loss aid. Drink a glass of water with ACV before each meal for best results. The water will help even more with making you feel full sooner.

apple cider vinegar benefits Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are quite astounding.  Over the years apple cider vinegar has become even more popular as the new IT product that does it all.  Read on to learn about some of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.


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