What the PEEP?! You’ll never believe the crazy Peep recipes and crafts for Easter! Grab some Easter decorating and cooking inspiration using Peeps.
Crazy Peep Recipes and Crafts for Easter
What the Peep?! Some people are crazy creative!!
Ah Easter….it’s like a Peep showdown! Those colorful little marshmallows shaped like bunnies and ducks hit supermarket shelves and we go nuts! First off, Peeps are good….but they’re not great….they’re definitely no Cadbury Egg! So, what is the obsession? I’m thinking it’s their versatility….I mean, you can’t really decorate a wreath with Cadbury Eggs…the chocolate would melt and get all sticky and gross. Peeps are like the one food item that will last through the End of Times and still maintain it’s shape and color…..I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…hmmmmmm.
Anyway, without delving into the chemical make-up of Peeps and they’re ever lastingness let’s delve into all the really cool stuff you can do with this iconic Easter treat….
[clickToTweet tweet=”What the PEEP?! Did you know you could make all of these with Peeps?? Check it out and get crafty this #Easter #Peeps” quote=”What the PEEP?! Did you know you could make all of these with Peeps?? Check it out and get crafty this #Easter #Peeps”]
Crazy Peep Recipes
The original intention of Peeps is to be eaten….but who wants to eat them plain?! So, here are some over the top Crazy Peep Recipes your family is sure to love!
Rice Crispy Treat Peep Shaped Bunnies using Peeps from Two Sisters Crafting
Bunny Peeps in a Blanket Brownies from Life, Love, and Sugar
Peeps Marshmallow Popcorn Eggs from What’s Cooking Love
Peeps in Chocolate Eggs from The Decorated Cookie
Toasted Marshmallow Peeps Milkshakes from Shared Appetite
Peep Lemontini from Home Is Where the Boat Is
Peeps S’mores from Domestic Superhero
Skateboarding Peeps from Sweet Simple Stuff
Peeps Dirt Cups from ChicnSavvy Reviews
Peeps Push Pops from Love From The Oven
Over the Top Peeps S’mores Shake from Delish
Peeps Sushi from Serious Eats
Peeps Candy Bars from the Domestic Rebel
Crazy Peep Inspired Ideas
As if you don’t have enough ideas to make something with Peeps from all of the recipes above….here are some AMAZING out of the box ideas to do with Peeps or inspired by Peeps!
Rainbow Bunny Peeps Wreath from Tried and True
Marshmallow Peeps Easter Garland from Slice of Southern Pie
Peeps Inspired Bunting from Made Everyday
Peeps Mason Jar Candles from Confessions of a Plate Addict
Peeps Easter Bonnet from Pinterest (original source couldn’t be found)
Peeps Inspired Scarf (original source couldn’t be found)
Peeps Catnip Toy from Dream a Little Bigger
Peeps Slime from Little Bins for Little Hands
Peeps Care Package from Military Printables
Have you come across any AMAZING Peep ideas? Tell us about them in the comments below!
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