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Discovery Place Kids- Huntersville, NC

So today we decided to take a break from un-packing, cleaning, organizing, etc. and have some FUN!!!
The little man and I decided to check out this place near us called Discovery Place Kids.

Discovery Place KIDS Logo Discovery Place Kids- Huntersville, NC Then there was a little pit area covered in tumbling mats that was perfect for REAL little ones. There were toys built into the sides that would be perfect for tummy time.  It was also a good place to put the little man while he was getting overwhelmed accustom to everything that was going on.

This place is FANTASTIC!  It’s very similar to the Children’s Museum in Atlanta- but a fraction of the price!  Since he’s under 1 the little man was FREE and it was just $8 for me.  But, you could get a year pass for the ENTIRE family for
just $100!  The Family Year Pass includes 2 adults and all the children in the house.  Now granted there’s only 3 of us…. but for families with 2 or 3 kids…this is an unbelievable price!  We went ahead and got the year pass…. the little man will be a year old soon and $16 every time we visit could add up quickly considering it’s 5 minutes away and the little man had a BLAST!
Oh, and no, I’m not being paid for this post nor did I get any incentives to write this (well, other than to share the fun we had)….I’m just really excited I found something that’s so much fun for the little man!
I think the thing I liked BEST was there was a 36 month old and younger area for little ones to play.  This area was set up especially for tiny ones who can’t walk yet.


Logan LOVED the water table….and I LOVED that he didn’t get too wet.  It’s the most unique thing I’ve seen…. it’s set up with highchair like chairs that the babies can sit in and play without getting in the water.  Then it’s connected to an area for toddlers to walk up to so they can play, then it goes around the corner to where bigger kids can play…. it even had an area for big kids with stationary water guns that they can use to sink boats and such.
In the baby/toddler area there was also a cute little play house and all around the house were these LARGE SOFT flowers that the little ones can play in and pull up on without getting hurt.


Then there was a little pit area covered in tumbling mats that was perfect for REAL little ones. There were toys built into the sides that would be perfect for tummy time.  It was also a good place to put the little man while he was getting overwhelmed accustom to everything that was going on.


There was TONS of stuff for the big kids to do too!  There was a veterinary clinic area, super market, race cars (how could there not be racecars in a Charlotte museum? Smile I have noticed Nascar Racing is HUGE up here!!), an airplane, oh and a 2 story jungle gym/maze…. it was pretty neat!  We’ll be having bunches of FUN here!!!


They even do a story time everyday and different productions on the stage area.  It’s a wonderful indoor playground for little ones.  We already have another play date on the books. Smile  Yeah, my 10 month old now has a social calendar (seriously, I had to make one earlier today to keep up with everything we have going on this month! YEAH! I’d say we’re settling in just fine!)
Tomorrow I’m going to share with you the Little Man’s FAVORITE meal…. the Ultimate Creamy Spaghetti Bake!  See you then!

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Paula Jones

Tuesday 4th of September 2012

Your little boy is adorable. I miss mine being little. Enjoy every minute!! Love your blog!

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